Disclaimer: Please understand that ALL information posted by me...or any staff member----is for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY and in NO WAY constitutes medical advice or prescription.
Although this comment addresses, mostly, various posts relating to DMSO uses during the immediate several days past, I believe this information to be worthy of consideration.
Several years ago we discovered that the application of laser light, or high-power LED light....furnished an excellent "multiplying effect" for topical applications of DMSO. The primary influence came from a simple, but powerful, increase in local-area circulation. We were able to decrease swelling presentations and attendant pain,
sometimes by 100%.....via the simple expedient of furnishing exposure of the afflicted area to this form of light. Even the cheapest Laser pointer yielded measurable, rapid, response.
The most effective results came when the coherent light source was concentrated directly
at the center of the pain field. While extended exposures (15 to 20 minutes) did yield the greatest relief.....even 5 minutes exposure measurably accelerated the pain mitigation
generated. While this combination protocol has been, previously, discussed on the list....it has been some time and many newer members may not be aware of the value---and----safety.....of this simple modifier.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. One interesting finding, during our general investigations, was that either low Level Laser or high-power (3500 mcd and up) LED sources, when aimed directly on areas presenting infections presenting in the upper throat (especially those fulminating and/or marked by pustule presences).....responded in a majority of cases, with RAPID, sometimes SPECTACULAR IMPROVEMENT-----without support from ANY OTHER protocol. However, when used in conjunction with 20% DMSO (BY VOLUME) AND 80% (BY VOLUME) 10 to 15 ppm Colloidal Silver,
we were able to negate the effects of VERY CHALLENGING MRSA insults.....in 90% of our test evaluations.
The DMSO x CS solution was applied via a simple spray bottle and followed, immediately, with exposure to the concentrated light source.
Be advised: 20% solutions of DMSO sprayed on the epithelial tissues in the upper throat may---in some cases---cause an involuntary gag-reflex to manifest. While not dangerous, this condition is, sometimes, upsetting to susceptible individuals. If the experimental subject suffers from this hyper-sensitivity type gag-reflex.....just lower the DMSO component to 10%....for an acceptable resolution. For applications addressing EXTERNAL
areas of the body, light sensitivities do not, normally, present the exposure-time
considerations.....as do those involving the interior surfaces (epithelial) of the body.

CAUTION: Do note that extended exposure to non-filtered, high-energy light in this part if the spectrum can result in discomforting form of surface-tissue blistering. Therefore, exposure beyond 5 minutes at a single session is not recommended for researchers. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour