Correct, this is the gentleman who gave the talk.

This is a video by Steven Wm Fowkes, BA: Preventing and reversing Dementia & Alzheimer Disease. Go to this site:

The video runs an hour and 31 minutes, and is 416 Mb long. It is about ketosis as a superior form of energy delivery for neurons. I didn’t have the patience to download and view it.

The 6 part video in the link below is VERY INTERESTING – convinces me to start taking coconut oil while I can still remember to do it!

Steve Y.

From: Joseph Metz []
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:02 AM
Subject: CS>OT Alzhiemers

The SF Commonwealth Club had an event yesterday. I went for Dr.s Amen Orloff. More interesting than I expected.

There were an additional 2 speakers/scientists who took the stage together & were giddy with excitement & delight. They claim to have found a cure for Alzhiemers Disease. (AD) Correction, they claim others found a cure for Alzheimers. Using others research, they connected the dots & can explain the why's & how's.