Think it is great that you are doing so well and cs is a wonderful product.  
Many of us have found cs because of health problems we are trying to solve.  I 
had testing done with my doctor to determine if I was lacking the bacteria my 
gut and also for vitamin deficiencies. I needed selenium, C and A.  With Brooks 
post on the LipEncVitC I have purchased it and feel a difference.  Living in 
Florida almost everything and everybody is selenium deficient.  Our area has 
fairly good soil and is hilly (almost impossible in Fl).

These are the reasons I supplement.  



From: one.red...@hotmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Unidentified subject!
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 17:36:49 +1030

I've been ingesting my own EIS every day for a number of years now and I take 
*nothing* else, perhaps I could be reminded of why I may need to take 
*anything* else?
'According?' to a lot of people, others should be taking a whole heap of stuff, 
I guess there must be a reason to do so, unfortunately/fortunately, that reason 
escapes me for the moment?  I haven't seen too much in any literature I've 
researched about the necessity for ingestion of anything else whilst taking EIS 
as produced in the home? or anywhere else for that matter.  Is mention of it, 
but not enough factual reasoning for me to look further into it.
If one has a good quality product it is lost on me why the taking of anything 
else need be considered, perhaps 50 or 100 years ago maybe, or to rectify 
something today which was instigated for some reason from the past, but 
certainly not this day and age using the means, methods and practices for 
producing EIS.
Yeah, now I've probably invoked the wrath of the soothsayers, but!...I don't 
feel unwell, actually I feel bloody good, I don't look blue or whatever in the 
mirror, nothing on my person is discoloured in any way, my fingernails aren't 
splitting or falling out, my skin's not cracking, my only hair loss is from 
aging...etc etc etc, so why would I even contemplate ingesting anything else?  
well, in the vain hope it may change my attitude perhaps, nothing else I can 
think of as a reason.
Or it could simply be I'm just too damn healthy<g>and haven't a clue what I'm 
talking about, in which case just ignore/apply suitable finger pressure on 
delete button...

> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 20:29:13 -0700
> From: tita_...@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Just google colloidal silver + selenium. There are some websites that say 
> that selenium -methionine should be the supplement to take to usher out the 
> silver. Other forms of selenium accordign to them would make the silver stay 
> in tissues. Weston Price Foundation says calcium should be taken as well, but 
> i just lost the document last night. i was reading it and somehow my computer 
> blinked and out it went. Just search in the westonprice.org (i think).
> Melly
> --- On Fri, 9/4/09, Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com> wrote:
> > From: Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com>
> > Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 9:30 AM
> > Do you have a link to the info you are
> > referring to?
> > There is selenium in nuts, esp brazil
> > nuts. 
> > On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:08 AM, Melly Bag
> > wrote:
> > To those  of you who used homemade CS
> > for for loved ones for a long time, did you make them take
> > selenium as well, which type? How about calcium which the
> > Weston Price Foundation said is a must. Just beginning to
> > take and make CS.  
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Melly
> > 
> > 
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>

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