Well you would be the first Dave.  From past visits to this I believe EIS 
production and use was pretty much in it's infancy and inferior products were 
being produced and ingested around that time.  There has to be a common 
denominator but I don't support the EIS theory, unless there are numerous forms 
of EIS that I'm not aware of.


I do hear of 'skimming' stuff off the top of the water, filtering, decanting to 
leave sediment behind etc etc...Well I don't see any of that with my stuff so 
what's going on, am I making crap stuff? or are others making crap stuff?  I've 
had some samples tested and results were pretty good as far as I'm concerned.


Point taken though.



Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 07:37:46 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man
From: davedar...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Well Neville I can attest to the theory about blue moons as I have them and 
have never used anything but pure water, silver and 27 volts DC with polarity 
My blue moons look like a ball point pen was used to outline them. I did have a 
breakout in the middle of my thumb nails when I used mms but they are back now.
I don't have a heart problem of any kind or any other problem so I'm a believer.
Ask Marshal about his.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:

[There were no blue moons on his thumbs.  Something that manifests first with 
-So the story goes?  Each to their own belief.
All those stories are popular but...to my knowledge not one of those people 
were using EIS, they were using all other manner of stuff...under the name of 
Colloidal Silver...what's that? it could be any number of things couldn't it? 
which is a gross misrepresentation of what EIS is.
I have yet to find an article which states the use of EIS has caused this. 'CS' 
is something totally different and could include a whole multitude of things, 
*anything* and *everything* containing even a HINT of silver (and whatever else 
besides) is termed CS, EIS is just three things...silver, water and 
electricity, no mistake, no doubt, no other magic ingredients, nothing else but 
silver, water and electricity, and I have never believed that story, and never 
will, regardless of popular opinion.
I believe we should be paying more attention to what the product is which is 
being spoken of, am I the only one who can see a difference between the two 
here?  'CS' terminology is outdated, abused, misused and misrepresented and 
should be put away to prevent further confusion between that and EIS, it is the 
21st century, there's plenty of 'CS' books around, now is the time to write 
another book..."The Life and Times of EIS", or "EIS and the Twenty First 
Century", or "EIS Finally puts 'CS' to Rest in the Interest of dispelling 
Argyria Myth".
EIS and 'CS' should never appear in public together.  It may have been 
appropriate 100 years ago in the interest of science when discussing colloids, 
but not with today's product, using the methods we use for producing it.
.....I'm feeling much better now...'HAL'.


Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 07:45:01 -0700

Subject: Re: CS>The Blue Man
From: davedar...@gmail.com

To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Did you notice his hands--There were no blue moons on his thumbs.  Something 
that manifests first with Argeria.
He also indicated a heart problem--could have something to do with his color.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 6:02 AM, MaryAnn Helland <marmar...@bellsouth.net> 

Did anyone see the Today show this morning?  The Blue Man was back.  The Today 
Show teased the television audience with the question "is he still blue?" and 
showed an outline of Paul (Whatever) backlit only so you had to stay tuned to 
find out.  Well -- the answer is yes, he's still blue but seems to have lost 
some intensity of color.  But I'm wondering what the heck this guy is taking -- 
he made two statements during the interview that were absolutely baffling.  
First he said that he has moved and that he can't make his "colloidal silver" 
where he's living now.  That does not compute.  If he's living in a tent 
without electricity, he can still make it with batteries.  Second -- he said 
that "it's very expensive to make".  These statements by way of explanation of 
why he's not taking CS at this time.  Whaaaaaaaat?????????  Expensive?????  
Someone refresh my memory -- didn't he refuse to give his recipe for what he's 
calling colloidal silver?  MA      

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