This page has some information on Homeopathic Nosodes that prevent reinfection with EPM and may be a good information source for her to find articles to present to her vet.

Homeopathic prescribing is based on symptom pictures of the patient matching up to the symptoms that a remedy in original full strength concentration would cause. This is called "the law of similars" and is the basis for homeopathy. It is not the same as supplementing a nutritional need or administering a medication that kills a microbe or suppresses a symptom. It is to stimulate the body's healing process of those symptoms by giving an energetic remedy that in full concentration would cause those same symptoms.

A good homeopath spends a great deal of time observing a patients symptoms and forming what is called a symptom picture. Many small details of mood and behavior are taken into account that the untrained person would not note as important in choosing a remedy. The wrong remedy can suppress symptoms making it difficult to detect a correct symptom picture. Or can improve symptoms for a time with a later relapse.


Here are the symptoms pictures for:

And Argentum Metallicum / Pure Silver

Argentum Nitricum / Silver Nitrate AgO,NO5

Argentum Muriaticum / Silver Chloride


". . . mental and emotional symptoms are considered to be as important as physical symptoms in deciding on the correct remedy for an individual animal. . . Every nuance of the horse’s behavior and structure becomes a clue to the correct remedy: breathing patterns, expression of softness or fear in the eye, body posture, muscle tone, etc. The interesting and unique way each horse expresses playfulness or copes with stress is a piece of the puzzle in discovering the correct homeopathic prescription.

Next the homeopath reconstructs the data: the information about the physical, emotional and mental symptoms. These observations are translated into the language of the repertory. The *symptoms* *area* *matched* with what she knows about the remedies in our materia medica- . . ."

From: Classical Constitutional Homeopathy for Horses -- Karen Cohen, D.C., CCH


Dan Nave wrote:
He's probably talking about Argentum Metallicum, or Argentum Nitricum
which are Homeopathic medicines.  Our CS is much like the mother
tincture of Argentum Metallicum; it is not potentiated.

I can't say that he correct about having to stop the CS, but the
Homeopathics may also work.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:25 AM, MaryAnn Helland
<> wrote:
Hi group.  I need some advice from the knowledgeable folks here.  I
own/moderate a chat group dedicated to the use of CS to treat primarily EPM
in horses.  Many of us on the list have been using CS successfully for up to
ten years, at the rate of two to four cups per day of CS on an ongoing
basis.  Some people have been able to discontinue CS altogether -- most have
not, as discontinuing it results in a recurrence of symptoms.  One of the
women on the list has been told by her *acupuncture vet* to discontinue the
CS because of the "accumulation of heavy metals over such a long period of
use (10 years in this case)" and has suggested that instead she switch to
"homeopathic silver" which she said "his body would recognize and respond
to".  I Googled homeopathic silver, and all I can seem to come up with is
*colloidal silver* and *silver nitrate*.  What I'm reading sounds like
misinformation to me.  I know that the EIS that we make is not comprised of
heavy metals -- don't think that silver qualifies as such anyway -- and the
woman who owns the EPM horse knows that as well.  But it is difficult for
people to respond when confronted by an authority figure such as a vet.
What I need is a concise response for her regarding *homeopathic silver*
that she can understand herself, and that she can pass along to her vet in
response to this claim.  I'll appreciate any responses.  Thanks.  MA

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