Hi.I'm fairly new to the group (so new that I'm awaiting the arrival of my
kit to start producing CS :-)).


I've got a question - what is DMSO and are there directions on how I could
add this to my own CS once I get the equipment to start making it?







From: Carlene Yasak [mailto:carlene.ya...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 6:49 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>CS for someone testing positive for HIV


Hi to all list members,

Want to report some recent lab results for CS that confirm its good
As a holistic therapist in Paris, I have been working with someone who has
been tested positive for HIV.  A couple of weeks ago he began to panic when
a blood test indicated a viral load of 300,000 per unit of the blood sample.
(Not sure of what the amount was because I didn't see the report).  The
blood test had been requested by his GP when his "flu" symptoms continued
for three weeks accompanied by extreme fatigue. Based on this blood test his
doctor told him he would have to go to an out-patient clinic for HIV and
ordered a second blood test to confirm the viral load. I gave him two quarts
of CS with 5% DMSO and he began taking about two tablespoons every half hour
for the first 48 hours, then every hour and gradually tapering off to 4
times a day.  He continued taking CS until the second blood test 8 days
later.  He called to tell me that the second test showed that the viral
count was down to 90,000 per unit tested.  He was relieved to hear his
doctor tell him that no treatment would be required.  He's continuing on
maintenance doses of CS with DMSO (2 Tsps in the evening and in the morning)
and also drinking fruit kefir (non dairy), eating well and creating a
healthier lifestyle. He's due for a control in December.

Hope this information is helpful for someone.

Best wishes,