Hi Sol,

Can you share your "recipe" for eye drops? What ratio? I'd like to find out
whether or not I can improve my eyesight a bit by using drops (knowing that
DMSO can possibly help that).

Also, did you mean EIS-MMS-DMSO combo OR indeed MSM...I have both now (my
MMS arrive today -- yea)!


-----Original Message-----
From: sol [mailto:sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 4:18 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Compendium of daily protocols

J- Lee wrote:

> *Or, are you one of the fortunate who truly never get sick*?
I mist my eyes and inhale the mist at the same time (with straight EIS 
[CS] my homemade, about 12 ppm). I do this while out in public if 
someone sneezes or coughs on or near me, and religiously as soon as I 
get back to my car after shopping or other public excursions. As long as 
I do this faithfully, no exceptions, I don't get sick........at all.
> Finally, how long have you been doing this?
going on 7 or 8 years

FWIW, I also use my EIS as mouthwash, swishing and holding as long as I 
can or have time for. For nebulizing (pet with chronic upper respiratory 
infection that sometimes needs a bit of extra help) I use a mix of 
EIS-MSM-DMSO. For eye and nose drops, a mix of EIS-DMSO. For most 
topical uses I add varying amounts of DMSO to my silver. I rarely add 
peroxide to my EIS anymore.

I no longer swallow any EIS on a daily basis, but I take about 4 oz for 
any GI upset. My cats get straight EIS as their drinking water. Moving 
from 50/50 EIS/distilled water to undiluted seems to have really helped 
my asthmatic cat. We have controlled her environment to the extent that 
she was only having approx 1 attack per year, but since switching to 
straight EIS as her only drinking water, she is way overdue for her 
annual attack, LOL.

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