The reason they call hematite blood stone is because when hematite is ground
(as in cabbing) the iron oxide 'slush' is blood colored.  Ancients knew this
and used hematite for healing blood problems.

The ancients have used stone/mineral healing for centuries.  Each type of
stone radiates a certain energy, and it's this energy that changes people. 
It's subtle, but there.


-------Original Message-------
Personally, I am extremely dubious of the benefits of wearing any mineral. 
However, hematite is not the same stone as bloodstone.  Bloodstone is green
jasper with bright spots of iron oxide and very pretty.  Hematite is pure
iron oxide, Fe2O3.   

So perhaps bloodstone could be confused with hematite since it does seem to
have tiny spots of iron oxide in it?

Now if you're talking about magnets and magnet therapy, I used to be totally
in disbelief that it could do a thing.   Nowadays, I'm open to the
possibility that it may be helpful in circulation, and maybe in other things
   I just don't know, would be nice though.