There is a new allergy treatment technique that works like a miracle for most 
people.  Both my wife and I have been cured of a whole bunch of allergies and 
sensitivities to things like cats, dogs, milk, vitamins, wheat, etc., etc.

are the links to the treatment center I have been going to -- almost
done for good after about a month -- and some more info, if a little
dated, about the theory behind it.

I have been CURED of most allergies in just over a month.  It's amazing stuff.

Here is the  link to the treatment center in Salem, NH:

And  this is a link to a video that explains a lot about it.  It uses older  
technology that doesn't include the laptop and allergen synthesizer, but the  
principles are the same:

From: Renee <>
Sent: Wed, December 9, 2009 1:35:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Magnets Migraines and Madness

Steve, has your wife been tested for food allergies?  I have a friend that had 
terrible migraines.  They kept getting worse and worse until she started going 
blind in one eye during the migraine, and then even began loosing time.  Like 
she'd have taken her daughter to school, but couldn't remember doing it.
Doctors put her through all sorts of tests, including MRIs to see if there was 
a tumor.  Nothing.  Finally and old doctor said "have you been tested for food 
allergies?". She said no so he sent her.  Turned out she was allergic to 4 
different things--wheat (not gluten, just wheat), corn, milk and something 
It really curbed her eating out, because she could only find 2 restaurants that 
didn't cook with any of the things she was allergic to, and had to watch 
everything she bought in the stores because most had at least corn syrup.  But 
once she got off everything, it's been 5 years without a migraine.
-------Original Message-------
I'm interested in whatever you may have as far as good info re magnet therapy.  
 Any chance this could help my wife's migraines?  We're pretty desperate, and 
my wife has begun to lose ANY hope for improvement.

Madness has nothing to do with this post - I just liked the sound of three 
words in the title that began with M.

Steve G

--- On Wed, 12/9/09, <> 

From: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Bloodstone and Hematite
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 12:50 PM

Forgive me for entering in the conversation about magnets. Iam a practicing ND 
and find certain magnets of great benefit.
There is quite a bit of good science behind the therapy. 
best regards
Frank ND
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Steve 
To: silver-list 
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:33 PM
Subject: CS>Bloodstone and Hematite

Personally, I am extremely dubious of the benefits of wearing any mineral.  
However, hematite is not the same stone as bloodstone.  Bloodstone is green 
jasper with bright spots of iron oxide and very pretty.  Hematite is pure iron 
oxide, Fe2O3.   

So perhaps bloodstone could be confused with hematite since it does seem to 
have tiny spots of iron oxide in it?

Now if you're talking about magnets and magnet therapy, I used to be totally in 
disbelief that it could do a thing.   Nowadays, I'm open to the possibility 
that it may be helpful in circulation, and maybe in other things.   I just 
don't know, would be nice though.