After receiving 3 HepB 
>>  shots, my MS symptoms returned with a vengeance...what an eye opener
In a message dated 12/28/2009 10:35:25 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Ode  Coyote wrote:
> At 09:18 AM 12/22/2009 +1030, you  wrote:
>> I want to add to this that I have no doubt that  mercury in vaccines 
>> is responsible for many neurological  issues.  After receiving 3 HepB 
>> shots, my MS symptoms  returned with a vengeance, and it was those 
>> symptoms returning  which alerted me to the fact that they contain 
>> Thimerosal. This  was only 9 years ago.. and for many vaccines the 
>>  mercury/thimerosal has not been removed.
>> The flu  vaccine that was promoted across the world  during this 
>>  'pandemic' had mercury in it. If one wanted one without it one had to  
>> order it specifically.
>> Anyone who states  for a fact that vaccines do not contain mercury any 
>> more, is  either uninformed or lies through their teeth for whatever 
>>  reason.
> ##  In some places and for some  applications they do contain Mercury 
> and in some they  don't.
>  It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated Mercury in ALL  vaccines 30 
> years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing there, just as  fast as 
> everywhere else that didn't.
>  That does not  indicate that Mercury doesn't cause Autism, just that 
> vaccines aren't  the **major** source of Mercury.

Please research  this.  You are spreading propaganda.  The autism rate 
did NOT go  up, it went down. The REPORTED rate went up because they 
changed it to be  reportable, paid for reports, and gave extra money to 
agencies and schools  if they reported it coincident with the drop of 
mercury.  That was on  purpose to hide the fact that the rate actually 
dropped as  expected..  It was all smoke and mirrors.  Just like if you 
were  to make the common cold a reportable illness, and schools and 
doctors  would receive a reward for reporting the common cold, the 
reported rate  would skyrocket.


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