You didn't watch both video's ...I  think Kennedy comments were home school 
kids w/o vaccines had no  autism....Amish had 4 cases...3 of cases were 
adopted after vaccines shots were  given...the 4th was down wind of mercury 
plant...or something  
Robert F Kennedy Jr Shocking Vaccine Cover Up Part2 
.....  my question remains can CS help autism kids, what can be done to  help..

In a message dated 1/1/2010 7:06:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

At 11:23  PM 22/12/2009, you wrote:
>It was Sweden, I think, that eliminated  Mercury in ALL vaccines 30 
>years ago, but Autism rates kept climbing  there, just as fast as 
>everywhere else that didn't.

It  thought that was interesting so I did some looking up.  My 
findings  are that they did not eliminate Mercury until 93/94, then 
starting to  phase out the use of Thimerosal in the vaccines for 
children.  On the  rise of autism in Sweden, that too  seems to be not 
quite accurate as  you state. They have not been rising as fast as 
everywhere .
If you have a  source to back up your statements, I would be 
interested in reading  that.


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