John Stevens wrote:
> Believe what you wish, but personally, I'd
> do some deeper research or have it tested.


Let me ask if you have had a sample of Arm & Hammer baking soda 
analyzed for aluminum contamination, and can you share the report and 
its provenance with us?

All I've seen so far in an admittedly cursory examination of this issue 
are numerous nervous remarks from people passing on what they've heard, 
and one or two obviously self-serving vendors attempting, quite 
successfully, to generate fear, uncertainty and doubt about their 
bigger competitors in order to carve out for themselves a niche market 
among health-conscious consumers.

If you can show me analytic results from sources provably unaffiliated 
with the sellers of so-called "aluminum-free" sodium bicarbonate, I 
will certainly consider them. Access to your own results or specific 
links to other objective sources would be appreciated, as I don't have 
energy available to do extensive research to prove or disprove your 

Meanwhile, ad hominem attacks, whether of the "you're full of crap" or 
"you're a paid shill" variety, are sufficient to endanger participation 
in the group for those making them. Please refrain, folks.

Thank you,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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