I have always heard that  those who have silver fillings should not take ALA 
because it pulls the mercury out of the fillings and into the body.  I I think  
Andy Cutler said that in his protocol for chelation.  Anyone heard of this 
concern?  Is it for real? Or am I getting it mixed up with something else??  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brooks Bradley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 5:32 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1

  Dear Dan, 
  Yes, it is quite acceptable to use ALA as an oral protocol......for an 
extensive list of insults. However, if the presenting insult is of MAJOR 
  CONSEQUENCE (e.g. Toxemia, diabetic surge, fulminating pathogens, massive 
liver enzyme fluctuations, etc.) There is no substitute for IMMEDIATE IV 
administered by 
  health professionals. Do understand, it requires upwards of 2000 mg to be 
administered.....several times---in a single day, to effect the life-saving 
qualities required for Amanita poisoning.. 
  We have found, in our experimental researches, that 400 mg daily (for most 
Type II presentations) does a SPLENDID job of modulating a majority of 
  the negative effects of diabetes. The beneficial effects go beyond the 
liver,proper, and include the pancreas. One of the genuinely positive effects 
Alpha Lipoic Acid is 
  that it demonstrates a splendid support of the endocrine system.....providing 
biological support which relieves the pancreas of much of its duty in 
responding to systemic challenges 
  requiring ENZYMATIC support....in addition to its, normal, alimentary tract 
supports. ALA, thus, measurably lowers the demands on the pancreas for 
extraordinary enzyme support. I do not k 
  have the time....at present...to elaborate on the mechanics of how this is 
accomplished, but will say that the ability of ALA to "recycle" both vitamin C 
and Vitamin E-----produces 
  enormous systemic advantages to both the liver and the pancreas. Persons 
presenting with neuralgia of the extremities (especially the feet and ankles), 
VERY often obtain immediate 
  (within hours) relief of the burning/itching discomforts......just by taking 
around 500 mg of ALA and repeating the protocol twice daily until total relief 
is achieved. Sustained 
  levels of around 400 mg (once daily) proved to be (as a general rule) quite 
adequate for mitigating against recurring episodes. 
  While we have found no single MAGIC BULLET to be a "complete" curative agent 
for all the insults affecting the liver and supporting systems......Alpha 
Lipoic Acid is the CLOSEST 
  thing to such. 
  Interested parties can do no better (in my opinion) than to obtain a copy of 
Dr. Berkson's Book "The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough".......if a knowledge of 
the many benefits/uses of ALA 
  are of real importance to them. 
  In my own case, I take 400 mg of ALA daily....to splendid effect, I might 
add. My father was a diabetic, and suffered many complications before his 
death. His twin sister died from complications of Type II diabetes, at 64 years 
of age. Their mother died of Type II complications....at a young age. My only 
brother suffered from Type II diabetes from the age of 55, until his 
  death at 84 (this past Feb.). Although I have been and still 
am.....considered to be "considerably above average" in expressing vital 
health, I experienced several pre-diabetic complications around the age of 50. 
Some form of glucose management challenge did remain present, off and on, until 
I instituted a "home made" liver-support" program.....(age58) which, although 
somewhat modified------I continue to this day. I consider ALA to be the LYNCH 
PIN in my present program.....which is based upon diet (type and origin of food 
is the most critical----I believe). Without Marine Kelp as a continuing 
supplement,I have found that NOTHING has proved completely successful in my 
glucose management program. 
  Although I do not...as a general rule...modify my commentary with personal 
experience----I feel that in this case, its emphasis might serve to benefit. 
  I hope these comments have been of some value to you.....and others who may 
have kindred questions. 
  Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 

    ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

    Subject : Re: CS>YouTube - LDN 2008 Dr Burt Berkson Best of part 1

    Date : Tue, 5 Jan 2010 18:02:12 -0600

    From : Dan Nave <bhangcha...@gmail.com>

    To : silver-list@eskimo.com


    I watched the video, and he indicates that he used intravenous ALA. 

    Is it possible to use the oral ALA instead? And at what dose? 

    Very interesting, thanks, 


    On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote: 

    >                                           I believe many on the list 

    > will find this video series by Dr. Burt Berkson to be most informative 

    > and useful.  Dr. Berkson has demonstrated to be the leading 

    > investigator  on the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid  (ALA) as 

    > the principal , EFFECTIVE,  address for a majority of the known liver 

    > insults of chemical and pathogenic origin.  This video highlights the 

    > increased benefit of combining Low Dose Naltrexone  (LDN) with 

    > ALA.......for certain cancer ionsults. 

    >                                          This is the researcher who, 

    > SINGLE-HANDED,  uncovered the near-miraculous effects of ALA for 

    > controlling/abating the toxic effects of poisonous  mushrooms 

    > (particularly,  the Deathcap Amanita). 


    >                     Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 






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