Some quarter of a century ago my DH held his colleagues at work spellbound in wonder as he described to them the benefits of the reverse microwave and urged that they present themselves to a particular store to order one. They were all in agreement. It was only when he advised them not to give their name that they started laughing.

It was not really very long after that that we read about such a product actually being on the market.We never sought to purchase one, however, and gave our existing microwave away.

DH has often invented or described a product only to discover someone else has already invented it or does so soon thereafter.

Steve, being a musician, could probably cure himself with a musical note (and maybe the whole neighbourhood) once he worked out which one he needed. Frex frequencies at would be of interest.


Steve G wrote:
I had seen an article years ago, Chuck, in the Journal of Irreproducible Results that had a detailed description of the reverse lightbulb, or 'Darkbulb.'

Apparently these are not commercially feasible yet and not very many prototypes exist. One can see a photograph of on at this link -
Or a more full description at THIS link -

You'll note that it's range is limited. This is because it was photographed after it had been turned off, but before the electricity had fully spent itself. Had it been left in full 'on' position, the photo would have merely been just black.

I'm currently appealing to the inventor to see if he can turn his focus to something which I think holds great commercial promise. The Reverse Microwave. Just think, such a thing could cool one's drinks quickly, freeze ice cubes instantaneously, and so on. I have suggested that they should investigate merely reversing the power supply polarity, but I am merely a musician and suspect it may be slightly more complex than this.

The world is full of wonder.

Steve G.

--- On *Sat, 1/9/10, /<>/* wrote:

    From: <>
    Subject: Re: CS>Unidentified subject!
    Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 9:24 PM

    music pitch pipe?


    On 1/9/2010 8:29:46 PM, Dan Nave (
    </mc/compose?>) wrote:
> The shape of the tube is probably very important. > > How would you tune it, trial and error by phlegm? > > Dan
    > On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Steve G <
    </mc/compose?> [link:
    > </mc/compose?>]>
    > Hey,  I looked at the intriguing video of a guy blowing one of these
    > things.    Sure looks pretty simple to me, as are many of the
    > therapies
    > I've been running into in recent weeks.
    > Only $40 for one of these things sounds like a bargain for
    someone who really needs it. Of course, I don't
    > want to wait until the FDA gets around to approving it and adding to
    > it's cost.  I'm guessing that with a little bit of patience, a
    > tube and some scotch tape someone could build one of these
    things that
    > would work just as well.   The length of the scotch tape would
    be the
> biggest issue. > I'd plan on making it too long, and then tuning it by cutting
    off a half inch at a time until it was 'just
    > right.'
    > Cool!
    > Steve G.
    > --- On Sat, 1/9/10,
    </mc/compose?> <
    </mc/compose?> [link:
    </mc/compose?>]> wrote:
    > From:
    </mc/compose?> <
    </mc/compose?> [link: </mc/compose?>]>

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