> I have a friend with a young rotweiler (16kg), who has Parvo virus and
> is in a very bad way.  Currently she's staying with the vet on IV to
> try to get some liquid into her, but there's a lot of blood coming out
> of her.  Do you think there's any chance that putting some silver in
> the IV might give her a chance?   

Following is a post by Brooks Bradley, outlining methods that his group 
have found effective in treating animals in that condition... Pay 
particular attention to his postcript. Please forgive the formatting 

Mike D.

------- Forwarded message follows -------
To:                     silver-list@eskimo.com
Date sent:              Thu, 08 Jan 2004 20:24:44 -0600
From:                   "Brooks Bradley" <brook...@eudoramail.com>
Subject:                Re: CS>Giving Cat CS:COMMENT

Dear Craig,
       I just read your post.  Have you considered using an enema to
        administer the CS component?  We have experienced profound
        success using this methodology in the past. In fact, it is the
        method we first found successful in addressing parvo in 
         Additionally, we found the stress factors much reduced through
        this protocol.  In some cases, it was the ONLY truly successful
        approach for some cat afflictions....as some older adults were
        highly stressed
by any type of IV/Sub-cutaneous injections.....particularly those
individuals subject to "needle-shock" reactions.
         Unless the subject is very unruly, and/or the administrator is
         rough in technique....enemas are quite desireable as a means 
         administering CS to felines (this also includes much larger
         members of the cat family). One experimental protocol you 
         consider would be 200 ml of 10 to 20 ppm colloidal silver, 10
         ml of DMSO (full strength).....mixed together by pouring the
         DMSO into the parent CS and allowing a few minutes for the
         heating reaction to stabilize.  Check solution to assure
         temperature is low enough to be comfortable to the subject,
         before administering the enema.  Administer steadily, but not
         in unusual haste, Use the smallest douche nozzle
         practical...the cat will appreciate this.
           I wish you the most pronounced success in helping your 
               Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  One may substitute  Gatorade or Ringer's Lactate for the DMSO
fraction;  but if this is the choice....the percentages should be 
approximately  1 part 20 ppm CS for 1 part Gatorade, extended to the
chosen total volume.  For Parvo victims we preferred the Gatorade
fraction.....primarily for the advantage of volumetric enhancement of
the fluid electrolyte balance and H20 replacement required by the
afflicted puppy.  We have found that administering balanced fluid
electrolytes via enemas, to be about 75% to 80% as rapid (by clock
time)....as through IV administration....for parvo in very young
puppies. --

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