generally, a good formula for hypothyroid would be bu zhong yi qi wan, but hypothyroid is a western diagnosis, so it's not a 1:1 comparison. Plus, every case is different, so if you want to modify your formula specifically for the individual, you should go get checked by an acupuncturist who also does herbs.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Annie B Smythe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Depression/Anxiety

Lou hon,

Get her thyroid checked before you go getting involved with all that:)

The doctors try to pass hypothyroidism off as depression instead of checking the thyroid and prescribing thyroid medication. A lot of women at the time of menopause or during premenopause develop hypothyroidism.

For more info got to:

and do the checklist for and compare her symptoms and find out what to do next.

Hypothyroidism is a main cause of depression and is frequently not tested for or misdiagnosed, deliberately or through ignorance I'm not sure. Hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer is epidemic in the US due to fluoride, bromides, chlorine, and petrochlorates, and other toxin burdens in the body that effect the thyroid.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh


I need some direction.
My wife is 46 years old suffering from depression, anxiety and menopause. She has been seeing counselors and she was recommended to again take an depressants. She has tried Wellbutryn once for a month which gave her bad side effects like headaches and anxious and the latest Lexapro which also she can not stand the side effects. They are making her feel even worse, then better. Lexapro has been making her feel nauseas and dizzy which are some of the side effects is what I read. I finally got her to think about the natural route and I am trying to see if anyone out there can give me some solid holistic direction of what see can take to help her feel better to alleviate the depression anxiety and the usual hot flashes and everything else that comes with menopause, without these side effects..Can anyone direct me.
from NY

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