SILVER BANNED! That's hype.

Mike. Its worse than hype. Barwick has probably cost people their jobs. Can you imagine what this has done to colloidal silver sales around the world, particularly in Europe? In his greedy rush to panic people into buying his 2nd rate machine he's done tremendous harm. For Barwick to continue to claim that silver is banned, when he knows its not true, makes him a blatant liar. And he's a fool as well because rather than admit his mistake he falsely claims that CS retailers are using a 'loophole' to continue to sell CS. What an idiot. Bureaucrats just love to close loopholes.

The truth is that CS has not been banned. It's perfectly legal. It's still available in every health store. It is not being sold via a 'loophole'. It is being sold without restriction. The only change is a minor change to labelling that prevents any claim that its a 'mineral supplement.'


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