Vioxx was withdrawn because it killed thousands of people.  This was the only 
reason it *was* withdrawn, because if it had been just a few hundred, then it 
would never have come to the publics notice.  Just a few hundred you might say 
- pity if you happen to be one of them!  dee

On 27 Feb 2010, at 19:18, Pat wrote:

> I'd heard that there was an increase in risk with Vioxx and then Bextra, but 
> the risk seemed very slight.  I would have been willing to sign a release to 
> be able to continue using it.  The issue was quality of life.  It's sometimes 
> worth more risk to be able to have a decent life.  My orthopaedic surgeon 
> said he thought the risk was very slight and said he'd given his Bextra 
> samples to his mother when they took it off the market.
> The same goes for hormones.  Continue a satisfying relationship with the 
> hubby, keep him happy at home and enjoy the closeness .... or possibly lose 
> interest or ability.  Definitely worth a little added risk for much increased 
> quality of life.
> Pat

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