I'd try straight Lugol's on them and see if that'll shrink them, or try the DMSO and Lugol's. And the mixture didn't burn me at all. I understand the Lugol's applied to keloid scars will reduce them. It might take a while, but I've read that it's effective. I haven't tried it myself yet. Although, I do notice that a scar that I've had on my forehead for years seems to be flattening out since I started taking the Lugol's internally. And I've been taking Lugol's for months now. Patience is required :)

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Donna wrote:
Any idea for venereal warts? I have a friend that has them all around the rectum and has tried the stuff the doctor give but it just made them smaller and now her doctor wants to burn them off and she wants to try to get rid of them herself.
Any suggestions I will pass on to her.
That area I have no idea because I know stuff would burn and smart there.and it is such a delicate area.
Donna ACS

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