Can someone recommend a good brand of CS? I tried making my own with a Bob Beck Box and the result didn't seem to help anything. I've been using wild indigo, peroxide and water and when a flare-up Livon Vit C and grapefruit seed extract. In between flare-ups I have been taking homemade LET C but it may be irritating my stomach because of the unencapsulated Vit C.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dorothy Fitzpatrick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>introduction- dental issues and oil pulling

I got some toothpaste from Now called Xyliwhite which seems to keep teeth clean all day. CS is really good if you hold it in your mouth for as long as you can before swallowing or spitting out. My daughter had numerous abscesses before we had CS, but no more, and if I get toothache, I just hold the CS on the tooth and it usually goes. Also use with DMSO if that doesn't work. dee

On 18 Mar 2010, at 01:23, Tad Winiecki wrote:

PT- I swish CS first thing every day for dental issues, but I also do oil pulling afterward for 20 minutes, see link- And I've been doing it for over 2 years, I have had no dental issues in that time and have had a tooth with a slightly blackened root become white and non-sensitive, and all my teeth look whiter. I don't think my gum recession has gotten less but at least I don't think it's worse. Xylitol is also reputed to kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay, so I chew xylitol gum when I think about it.

Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

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