Would you mind sharing the address of the iodine list. I was taking selenium and I was under the care of 2 alternative doctors and I still ended up with a problem. At this point I am taking time release T3 for Wilson's body temp syndrome and it is the first thing that has helped. They think the problem might be in the conversion from one form to the other. All of the other things, I do.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Annie B Smythe" <anniebsmy...@gmail.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>hypothyroid

If you don't take enough selenium with the Iodine it WILL cause you grief and CAN damage the thyroid. I've upped my dose to 50 mg per day of 2% Lugol's, I started with 5 mg and worked my way up slowly, and I take 400 - 600 mg of the selenomethionine form of Selenium daily. When I don't take the Iodine I feel like crap. My thyroid felt swollen on one side and I had a small nodule on my thyroid which is slowly shrinking. The doc did not do a thyroid antibody test but he did say I had elevated antibodies according to my lab results. When I first started taking the Iodine my thyroid swelled some, but it is now a normal size. I feel physically much better. Detox/herx symptoms can be a bear but if you take extra magnesium, vit C, selenium, zinc and copper, and manganese, and use sea salt and plenty of water this can be reduced greatly. That and backing off on the dose until you feel a bit better. If you have a lot of toxins to detox the detox pathways can be overcome and this causes the detox/herx symptoms, or a viral load die off, or candida/fungus die off. The minerals the shepherd the halides, mercury and other stuff out are the ones I've listed above. You don't have a chance to get too much of them because the get used up binding to toxins and carrying them out, usually through the urine. And the body needs some of them for regular maintenance and enzyme production. I also added milk thistle, and dandelion to my regime to support the liver, and R ALA to boost glutathione. It also helped that I found a pitcher that filters everything including 80 - 90 % of fluoride from my tap water. And cutting out MSG, aspartame, and breads made from brominated flours, as well as all soft drinks, and upping my pure water intake to nearly 90 0z per day. I also added vit D3, and sea salt to my regime quite a while back and cut out almost all the processed salt.

Those with autoimmune hypothyroid issues MUST take the selenium, it's NOT an option, or it WILL cause problems, especially with antibodies. I get so tired of people not doing it the recommended way and then saying it's harmful. Or expecting it to work over night. Stephanie's(The Iodine list Mom) husband took at least a year to bring his Hashi's antibodies down to nothing. So it's a long term thing, and sometimes in the interim the thyroid usually WILL swell to grab more Iodine, when it has enough it will start to reduce in size. My thyroid kind of went up and down in size for two months or so before it settled down. But man oh man the detoxing I was doing during that time.

I won't say that my thyroid swelling up even more, like that didn't scare me to death, it did, but I was also told that it would go back down again, and it did.

But I guess everyone gets to health in their own way, there are many choices out there and a lot of research. I researched Iodine, the recommendations of nutrients to take with it and why, and the even the reports against it, thoroughly for several months before I made the decision to buy the Iodine and give it go. I haven't been sorry yet. Well except for an initial bad detox/herx reaction, LOL. I haven't lowered my thyroid med dose yet, I still have to get blood work done to see what my TSH, T4, T3 levels are doing.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Alan Jones wrote:
How high was your dosage, and for how long did you take it?


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Craig Chamberlin <craigs...@craigcchamberlin.com <mailto:craigs...@craigcchamberlin.com>> wrote:

    Having been hypothryoid and having done this, I would *highly* that
    folks with that condition look into the high iodine dosing.  I am no
    longer hypothyroid and it cleared up a lot of other issues for me.

    Another case of varying mileage.


    needling around wrote:

        Being hypothyroid and having done this, I would not recommend it
        to anyone. It can also lead to thyroid nodules and autoimmune
        thyroid issues.
        ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shirley Reed"
        <pj20...@yahoo.com <mailto:pj20...@yahoo.com>>
        To: <silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>>
        Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 7:50 PM
        Subject: CS>hypothyroid

             Hypothyroidism can be fairly quickly reversed simple by
            ingesting sufficient iodine.  The Yahoo Group named  iodine
             can get you up to speed on iodine in very short order.   pj

Alan Jones

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