Thanks!  And the same right back at ya.

----- Original Message ----
From: Ode Coyote <>
Sent: Wed, April 21, 2010 7:47:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>More on Cell-Phone and Cell-Tower radiation

  Somebody with some common sense...right ON Dick.
..a "keeper"


At 12:39 PM 4/20/2010 -0700, you wrote:
> > Do the research
> Unfortunately, it is hard or impossible to prove a negative, and for every 
> theory out there, whether crackpot or legitimate, there seems to be some 
> "research" that proves the theory true.  If I believed all the research out 
> there, I would drive myself crazy trying to avoid all the dangerous things in 
> this world.  Or I would live a short miserable life and die early of hunger, 
> thirst and utter boredom.
> My parents went for years drinking decaf coffee because caffeine was bad for 
> you, then they found out decaf was worse.  They went for years avoiding eggs 
> because they were bad for you, now eggs aren't bad any more.  After seeing so 
> many bad things become ok years later, and so many government-sanctioned 
> "good" things be found to be bad, I'm not prepared to take anything at face 
> value, especially if it comes from government, and second if it comes from 
> "research studies", which can be twisted, bent, or just plain broken, by 
> anybody with the money to commission them and a preconceived idea of what the 
> "studies" will prove.
> Even the most "obvious" facts of modern life, accepted almost universally by 
> everyone without question, can be based on blatantly bad science or 
> statistics.  Take for example the claim that smoking kills 500,000 people a 
> year because it causes heart disease, which is the nation's biggest killer.  
> Is that true?  I have no doubt that smoking is bad for people, but ... is it 
> That bad?
> To answer that question I looked in some of those Information Please almanac 
> books that give tons of statistics, including causes of death in the US by 
> category:  heart disease, cancer, accidents, etc. -- 50 some categories, and 
> sure enough, cardio-vascular disease was right up there at the top of the 
> list by a mile.  But ... something is missing from all those lists.  Look 
> long enough and you might see it too, but it is easy to miss, because it IS 
> NOT THERE:  According to our illustrious government, nobody dies of old age!  
> What a miracle that is!  The government has cured OLD AGE!  Must be, since 
> they claim that nobody dies from it.
> My guess is simply that "old age" is not something doctors are allowed to 
> enter on a death certificate as a cause of death, so they have to write 
> something else, and when in doubt, they put down "heart stopped' or some such 
> thing.  But does that make for another death from heart disease?  obviously 
> not.
> So how many of those are there?
> To answer that question i sent for a publication by the National Safety 
> Council, which resides in Chicago, and which is the source, along with 
> National Department of Health and Human Services (a few years ago) of almost 
> all the information in the statistical almanac books.  NSC sent me a little 
> booklet that contained, among many other things, a graph of cardio-vascular 
> death rates vs age.  Sure enough, the numbers were very low right up to the 
> late 60s or early 70s, when they started to ramp up, reaching a sharp peak 
> around 80, then dropping down again.
> Where are all the "heart disease" deaths at other stages of life?  Not to be 
> found in that graph, that's for sure.  But then again, the only way to find 
> that tidbit of information was to buy a little pamphlet for $25 (in 1990), 
> from the National Safety Council, which by the way is an independent 
> corporation in Chicago, chartered by and overseen by -- US Congress.  Ok, so 
> now we know where the numbers, and the lies, are coming from for this issue.
> Don't even get me started on drinking and driving....
> Dick
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Del <>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 2:41:00 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>More on Cell-Phone and Cell-Tower radiation
> If you sit next to a Wi-Fi base unit, you are absorbing more radiation than 
> my electrosmog detector could measure (pegged it at max).
> Likewise if you sit in front of a cordless phone base unit.
> Likewise if you stay in the same room with an operating microwave oven.
> Likewise when you key your cell phone or cordless laptop (some are worse than 
> others, iphone probably worst of all).
> If you are within 900 feet or so of an operating tower, you burn slowly 
> rather than quickly.
> Over many years the damage mounts up, because the radiation is unrelenting, 
> 24/7, and the damage is cumulative.
> There are many reports of various illnesses (mostly cancer) in the vicinity 
> of these towers after years of exposure.
> There are also plenty of in vitro studies that have demonstrated cellular 
> damage from tower exposure.
> Do the research.  You might reevaluate.
> Del
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