I'm pretty sure this is a verboten subject on the CS list and apologies to Mike 
in advance but you can hold McVeigh higher in esteem than bin Laden, Garrick 
because as you claim he did not quote scripture but IMHO he was just as bad as 
bin Laden, I do not care if he quoted bible scripture or not.

I've never heard McVeigh called a Christian terrorist but have heard him called 
a domestic terrorist which of course, is what he was.


--- On Sun, 4/25/10, Garrick <zzen...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Garrick <zzen...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: CS>Orgonite/Marshall
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 12:07 PM

When Osama Bin Ladin dropped the WTC towers he cited the later Koranic verses 
to justify it. In most of Bin Ladin's messages he cites the Koranic verses that 
justify his actions. And like I said, these later verses are superior to the 
early Meccan verses. They get the last word in any debate on the Koran. Tim 
McVeigh is inarticulately called a Christian terrorist. But never once did he 
refer to the Bible or cite it for his actions. Not in court, not anywhere

My 2 cents,