Can of worms.. But now that you mention it. Discernment is very important, they attempt to change things, but ultimately they seem to be losing the ability to use their black magick to spin things the way they want. Wonder if their power is fading, and we're seeing a sense of desperation?

There was a whole lot of funky stuff about the Fort Hood operation as well. Arabic Patsy to fuel the profit engine of fake terrorism and unethical wars? Or an agenda targeted directly at our heroes in uniform? (public distrust, etc) You can find early reports from the Commander on base that they have killed 1 shooter, with 2 remaining. Some reported witnessing a couple of men dressed in fatigues in a car shooting as well. I brought this up to people at the time, and was blown off about it all. Here is one of the dozens of reports from top brass..
"There were several individuals involved, and we tracked them to an adjacent facility, one of them has been killed"

Also what about that recent failed underwear thing? Did you know many witnesses said they saw a "Sharp Dressed Govt. Official" get the patsy on the plane through security? The official was carrying the device, the patsy had some sparklers in his pants, but if it went according to plan, nobody would have known that.

Folks, in my opinion we're being lied to /*FEROCIOUSLY*/, and probably have for quite some time. These people are playing sick games with our heads, and I recommend rising above it, and seeking spiritual resolution to physical reality, which will put you, your power, and your destiny above all of this rubbish. The truth will come out, and the truth will set all of us free. The meek are inheriting the earth in my opinion, and the liars are being exposed. They seem to be messing with reality on the unseen level, and I suspect the Most High and powers of good will not tolerate this much longer.

How does one make this mistake unless something planned, didn't happen as planned?
French Railway MISTAKENLY Announces Train Explosion, 102 Dead

Marshall Dudley wrote:
I think there is a lot more to McVeigh than meets the eye. He was undoubtedly a part of a false flag project, but his role is unclear, other than fall guy (He was trained by the army in explosives). There is overwhelming evidence that the small explosion he set off in the street did little or no damage (it did not even break many of the windows of the building across the street, and that they building was brought down by planted army explosives inside the building (which exploded approximately 1 second after the street explosion), which McVeigh did not plant. Even more curious, even though this evidence was known by McVeigh and his defense team, they choose to not present it at all, and McVeigh accepted the death penalty without ever saying what really took place. I suspect that his family and/or loved ones were threatened if he refused to be the fall guy, so he kept quiet about everything.


Sandy wrote: