The Godzilla IS a Zapper ....very basic...without the "magic" parts and possibly more reliant on common sense to use.
..not saying the magic doesn't [or does] work.
Could be that science is no more than repeatable magic. A generic, more universal set of documented spells.

Who knows what lurks in the nonlocal field to be believed into a common experienced existence? ..and the laws of physics not laws at all, but rules of a game, changed upon a majority vote. [introduced into reality by "Cheaters" and Dreamers ]

"The fabric of reality is always coming apart at the "seems", frayed along the edges to make unfamiliar weavings and patterns." [??] IOW Miracles happen, seeing them... happens when you stop telling them what they should look like.

I've seen a lot of really weird impossible stuff and like everyone else, tend to cling to the familiar in an attempt to stay grounded within some random definition of sane.
..that keeps on changing when I'm not looking.

Exlaxia Excrementia: The belief that a proven sieve will be a bucket the next time you dump water into it, without changing the definition of water. What didn't work for people, won't work again, unless people change the definition of self, itself. ..and there seems to be a new definition desired lately, that of "Ant" or "Bee"...absolute dependency of drones on Queens to impose an unchangeable order in the name of security. ..a death sentence to the imagination.....a "concrete" reality. Blocked all the way to the corners so they can't be turned, inescapable, till the rebel BECOMES magic and tears it all down.

[He bent himself over backwards so far that he ripped his pants ass under and enters a nude day. ]


At 05:39 AM 4/25/2010 -0700, you wrote:
So what I'm trying to figure out, with all of the information in these posts, is: Is a Zapper the same thing, more or less, as a Godzilla? I'm interested in the Zapper, but already have the Godzilla. ???

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