Thanks Trem.  dee

On 5 May 2010, at 17:19, TREM wrote:

> This is on our website.
> Trem
> How to use a tabletop water distiller to produce very low conductivity, high 
> quality distilled water used to make ionic/colloidal silver water.
> 1.    Remove the carbon discharge filter.  It makes the water conductive.
> 2.    Fill the boiling chamber no more than 3/4 full.
> 3.    Distill only 1/2 gallon into the receiver.
> 4.    Discard the remainder in the boiling chamber.
> 5.    Repeat steps 2,3 and 4.  You now have one gallon in the receiver.
> 6.    Put 3/4 gallon of this water in the boiling chamber.
> 7.    Distill only 1/2 gallon into the receiver.
> You now have what is called double distilled water.
> Allow to cool and try to use it.  It should measure less than 1 microsiemen 
> using a PWT meter..

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