Oh I forgot, TMG will help lower homocysteine levels too, but it will NOT do her any good at all and will be a waste of time and money until your friend gets Folic Acid and B Vit levels normalized as TMG requires folic acid and B vits to do it's thing, and a sulfur source. The Folic acid leveles and the B vits are the critical things and should be the priority right now. Benfotiamine is a fat soluble form of B1 that will help protect the brain and kidneys, it has been proven in scentific studies. It might be a good idea for her to get that separately. A good dose of Lugol's every day will incite abnormal cell apoptosis if she has a growth in the kidney. If it's just a kidney stone malic acid will help dissolve it, malic acid is derived from apples mostly, and it can also be had from Apple Cider Vinegar. Malic acid capsules can also be bought.


Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Smitty wrote:
Thanks to all for your info helping my tired friend.
You people are the greatest  !!

Tell her to get the pre methylated folic acid and the coenzymated B vits, I
think it will make a marked difference for your friend. The doc is going to
poo poo any nutrient questions and leave her in limbo. and not getting well


 Smitty wrote:

I just received another email from my friend with more
info on her health condition.
Smitty.  Was told I have abnormal homocysteince levels and in researching
I found this info.  Since my doctor, with ultrasound, also found a shadow
my kidney which he is monitoring, thought this was interesting.  Also, my
died at age 55 of a heart attack, so I'm glad I am getting help on this
condition. Thyroid is fine in my case.  You may want to pass this on to
 Will ask my dr about the type folic acid he has prescribed.
"According to the American Heart Association, homocysteine levels
correlate with genetic factors as well as diet. A diet low in folic
acid and B vitamins has notable links to an increased level of
homocysteine in the blood. Family Doctor.org attests that other causes
include medication use, low thyroid hormone levels, psoriasis and
kidney disease"

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