These are just marketing claims, where is the proof, has anyone here even read 
the research by Hickey?

From: Garrick <>
Sent: Sat, 8 May, 2010 21:35:14
Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique

Increase Absorption Dramatically - Regular vitamin C is absorbed at 
approximately 19%, the balance remains in the gastrointestinal tract to attract 
water and loosen the bowels. Nanotechnology, liposomalized vitamin C is 
absorbed at 93%, measurable in the blood stream. A 390% increase in absorption! 
Get IV results with oral dosage!

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 11:41 AM, polo <> wrote:

>One thing that has been bothering me about your lipsomal technique for a while 
>is what I believe to be your statement to the effect that 5 grams of Vitamin C 
>which has been encased by liposomes is equal to 50 grams of Vitamin C that has 
>been given intravenously.  Did you write this and if so, how could this really 
>be? At best, doesn't chemical logic say that 5 grams of Vitamin C can be no 
>better than 5 grams, no matter what? How can 5 grams of liposomal Vit C be 
>more effective than 5 grams given intravenously or is liposomal Vit C some how 
>protected in the blood plasma better? What is the physiological mechanism 
>behind this concept?


Gurdjieff-- How can you expect fairness and decency on a planet of sleeping 