Hi Polo
Maybe the 10x more effective than intravenous claim and logic comes from
Note the email address at bottom for follow-up straight from horse's


I am a paid consultant to LivOn Labs, becoming so only after I became
impressed with their products. For the better part of two years, I actually
ignored my own medical observations, since they were in complete conflict
with what I felt just had to be true. Also, until the past nine months or
so, I had not bothered to educate myself extensively on the body of liposome
science that has been accumulating for the past 45 years or so. In a
nutshell, I found that liposome encapsulated vitamin C, taken orally, was
roughly 10 times more effectively clinically in resolving infectious
diseases than the IVC. Having given thousands of IVCs and taken hundreds
myself, this was difficult to comprehend, even though the clinical
observation was quite straightforward. I subsequently realized that the
liposome gave the ultimate bioavailability: intracellular delivery,
including the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and even the nucleus.
Furthermore, it was delivered in a non-energy-consuming fashion. IV vitamin
C requires an expenditure of energy to eventually reach the intracellular
compartment, but liposome encapsulated vitamin C does not. If possible, you
do not want to consume energy to get energy-carrying substances inside the
cell. It defeats the basic purpose. But let me clear, if it is possible,
give a patient both IVC and oral liposome encapsulated vitamin C. However,
if only one is available, the best application is with liposomes orally.

Furthermore, liposome encapsulated glutathione is even more spectacular. IV
GSH is broken down into its three amino acids within a minute or two of
entering the blood. Subsequently three energy-consuming active uptake
mechanisms are needed to get those precursors inside the cell, and then two
molecules of ATP are used by the enzymes needed to resynthesize the GSH
molecule intracellularly. Lipo GSH consumes no energy to deliver its
contents intracellularly. Lipo C and lipo GSH are a spectacular combination
for all diseases, due to the prooxidant nature of the associated symptoms,
and they are especially impressive for infectious diseases. As an aside, I
am quite sure that a few packets of each would resolve the swine flu in a
day or two at the most.

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 4:40 PM, polo <dah...@centurytel.net> wrote:

>  Thanks for the reply, but that link does not really address my question.
> It is referring to the regular absorbed Vit C in the gut at an average of
> 19% as compared to Liposomal Vit C in the gut at 93%. Ok, I can easily buy
> that fact, what I am wondering how can, 5 grams of liposomal C, even at 93%
> availability to the blood stream, produce an effect similar to 50 grams of
> intravenously given Vit C?
> After all, if 93% of the 5 grams of liposomal Vit C gets into the blood
> stream---it would be 4.65 grams. Understand what I am saying? So how can 5
> grams of liposomal Vit C equal 50 grams of intravenous Vit C? I would say it
> would be quite logical for 5 grams of liposomal Vit C at 93% absorbability
> to equal 4.65 grams of IV vitamin C. Now that sounds reasonable to me.
> doug
> -----