Ahh, my round tuit shipment is back-ordered. I haven't updated the 
archive page on the web site yet. <sigh>

Mike D.

> Jim,
> That was my frist response to go the archives but they seem to be
> non-functional as the page sugests:
> "I'm sorry to report that the archiving service at escribe.com has gone
> down and is probably not going to return. The archive links below do not
> work. An alternative will be developed in time. Meanwhile, please ask
> your questions on the list."
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Acmeair 
>   To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>   Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 6:01 PM
>   Subject: Re: CS>Liposomal Encapsulation Technique
>   want to reply to your post here. we all went thru this with mr. brooks
>   bradley, when he first started to post on the subject.
>   for several years prior to this time frame, the archives for the
>   silver list were not working. whenever mr. bradley would post some new
>   info, or instructions, or give us an update,  a lot of us would miss
>   the post. because of this, there was a lot of us asking around for
>   copies, etc.  in a stroke of luck, the archives were resurrected. 
>   more than one of our members were organized enough to have archived
>   their own messages,   and were kind enough to give mr. bradleys total
>   library to the silver list.  my thanks to all those peoples.
>   the part of your post here has a lot of the data and story line that i
>   recall from the inception of our instruction on LET, but the numbers
>   are jumbled as to correct  relationships.  if you would go the CS
>   archives, and do a search on "brooks bradley", and you should be
>   getting all of the information on doing the do-it-yourself liposomal
>   encapsulation technique.
>   mr. bradley is a very busy man, and just drops by occassionaly.  do
>   your homework, and don't rely on a personal response from mr. bradley.
>    you will see a lot of questions,   and the answers right there in the
>   archives. feel free to ask a question to the list,  as there are quite
>   a few doing this technique.  my interest was due to chasing down the
>   linus pauling theory.  good studying,                    jim

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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