Sounds like it is still good to me. You can always add a little H2O2, but not sure if that will change the uS up or down.


Garrick wrote:

Hello all,

Is it a waste of time to take week old colloidal silver and try to boost the uS?

I can make colloidal silver that finishes at 18 uS (using a com-100 meter) but it is down to 12 uS in five days. The laser pen only makes a faint red line. *This means ideal particle size? Little agglomeration?*

So a few nights ago I took this 12 uS colloidal silver and used it in the CS machine and got the uS up to a 17 uS that did not decline so fast. Only problem is the red laser light was much more noticeable. That Tyndall effect line was stronger. *Am I wasting my time doing this? Just making the agglomeration and electro-conductivity greater but not the CS effectiveness?*


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