
    No I have not used this protocol.  Capsaicin cremes are available that 
don't burn but I don't know how effective they are.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ted mozell 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 8:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Tincture of Cayenne

  Bob ,   Have you used this protocol i would be very interested in 
experimenting with this i have some stomach issues so if i could use use a 
patch that would great  i would be using this for circulation problems  . I 
have used capsaicin 
  once on a sore ankle and put my boot on over it by the time i got to work and 
was climbing up the ladder i had to get down and take my boot off and just wear 
a sock for the rest of the day.     Pat i hope you are better .  Thanks Ted 

  On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Bob Banever <bbane...@earthlink.net> wrote:


          Actually studies show that an external patch of capsaicin can also 
stop a heart attack.  It gets absorbed very quickly and by bypassing the mouth 
the hot sensation is eliminated.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Renee 
      To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
      Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 5:04 PM
      Subject: Re: CS>Tincture of Cayenne

            Pat--cayenne tincture is perfect for real heart attacks and 
strokes.  It will absolutely stop them--but you need far more than 2 or 3 
drops!  It takes 2 or 3 DROPPERS full to stop them.  Or a glass of water with a 
tablespoon of hot pepper powder. Sometimes even 2 of those, depending on the 
results.  And yes--it's hot--but that's exactly what you need.  It blows open 
the arteries so that the blood can flow.  Now you know why. :-)

            A funny side story--my father was like me in that he didn't like 
hot foods or spices.  We never eat them.  Now, Dad was diabetic for over 20 
years and never had a problem, in that his medicine kept it under control.  But 
then at 76 things started spiraling down for him, many things going on at once. 
 He actually did take a heart attack and had a stent put in.

            So I gave Mom and bottle of my home made hot pepper tincture to 
have on hand "just in case".  

            Mom and I had gone shopping and when we walked back into her house, 
Dad was in his chair, but totally out of it.  No response.  I thought he'd had 
another heart attack and had Mom run and get the tincture.

            I opened Dad's mouth and put a dropper in.  Gave it a second.  No 
response.  I opened up his mouth again and gave another dropper.  No response.  
I opened his mouth a third time to put a dropper full in and his hand slowly 
raised up, in a stop gesture.  So I didn't put any more in.

            The ambulance got there and rushed him to ER.  We followed.  It 
turned out that instead of a heart attack, he'd gone into a diabetic coma.

            They got him straightened out, and sent him home the next day.  

            What was funny about this?--Well, when Dad got home he very 
hoarsely whispered "they must have scratched my throat when they put something 
down it, because it hurts".  

            Lolol  I hadn't the courage to tell him they didn't put a thing 
down his throat, that had been my hot pepper tincture!  He was hoarse for 3 
days.  :-)


            -------Original Message-------

            Well, I'm still alive today, so I guess last night's event was 
caused by stomach rather than heart. 

            My advice....don't ever use tincture of cayenne straight!