Jason, Bodhi,

Jason, meet Bodhi. Bodhi, this is Jason.

I'd like to encourage both of you to take the time to explore either on 
the OT list or privately, the common ground between you as well as the 
areas in which you might differ. Both of you might be unaware that the 
other has considerable experience and thought behind their positions.

Jason, I suspect Bodhi's somewhat hyperbolic treatment of the word 
'skepticism' is in reaction to the kind of "close orderly examination" 
that meets all of alternative health and other enlightened thinking 
when it encounters mainstream resistance. He's had more experience with 
that sort of thing than most people, I suspect.

Bodhi, you might not want to let your brush sweep so widely. I'm a 
skeptic, you're a skeptic, Jason's a skeptic... You demonstrate it by 
your stubborn examination of things and lengthy testing periods. 
Skepticism *is* healthy -- *when* it's healthy.

If by 'skepticism' you mean closed-minded refusal to address any 
questioning of established dogma and rejection of all evidence that 
cannot be explained in conventional terms, then of course you're right. 
But such a corruption of language is just that, and distorts efforts at 
intelligent communication.

I wish you peace, my friends.

Mike D.

Jason writes:
> ...wow, what great science.

> Actually, the word skepticism is a very revealing word with an
> interesting history and word origin...

> Thus, the word skepticism literally can be translated to mean:  To
> examine closely in an orderly manner.
> Nice word that.  In my experience, 9-10 People who don't like the word
> skepticism or skeptics usually don't because the things they say fall
> apart quickly under "close examination".

In response to the following comment (and follow-on) by Bodhi:
> Open questioning is healthy, skepticism is another 'ism' and is
> therefore, harmful.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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