Any thoughts here on this animal question would be appreciated...
At the kitten/cat shelter I supply EIS as drinking water for, there was a recent outbreak of feline distemper. At the time of the outbreak not every animal in the shelter was being offered EIS in their water bowl. The typical strenght I make for them is around 7PPM. During this emergency I bumped up the strength to 10PPM and they began supplying it as drinking water for every cat in the shelter.

The cats live in groups in rooms or a few large cages, so they share water bowls and litter pans.

This deadly disease is passed through body fluids...vomit, sneezes, urine and feces. My question is it possible that what a cat passes out of it's body after drinking EIS into a litter box, sneeze or vomit, could be less "toxic" to the other cats because of the silver that's eliminated at the same time? Just wondering if I could add this as another reason that EIS can be helpful in a shelter.

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