In a message dated 7/21/2010 3:42:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

How are  the Guineas on eating vegetables and plants, and scratching up  
mulches?   Do you protect them at night from varmints?  Do  they lay eggs 
you can eat?


They are not nearly as vicious as a chicken at the scratching thing.   They 
do lay smaller eggs than a chicken and all are exactly the same shape and  
size.  When ours are young, they roost  in the chicken house but  as they 
get larger, they quit coming back in at night.  Most of ours fly up  in a tree 
late in the evening.  We have lost several this year because  we are 
surrounded by woods which are full of predators
such as coyotes etc. and they attack them during the day as the wander  off 
in the woods behind the barn.  When they are setting on a nest is  when 
they are in the most danger...same as a chicken.  Edith