Hi, Edith,
Well, I have 2 large nodules in the right side, which take up most of the
gland on that side. He wants to remove just that side. I`m wondering if they
are the cause of the miserable pulsatile tinnitus (a grinding pulsating
sound in my right ear) which drives me crazy sometimes. (It is so hard to
get to sleep with a loud constant vroom, vroom, vroom in the ear!!)  If so,
perhaps getting rid of the things will stop that. Boy, that would sure be
I also have to wash my food down with fluids, I`m wondering if that is also
because of the nodules.
What is a FNB? My bloodwork is normal for thyroid, if that is what you mean.

 Hey Marshalee,
> Why does your doc want to do away with your thyroid?  Maybe I misread
> something.  Is it because you have nodules?  Did your FNB came back normal?
> I had horrible problems around 2000.  The thyroid panel the Internal med
> Dr.  did showed normal, however, I found a lump in my throat and was sent
> to an Endocrinologist who did the FNB which was ok but the other thyroid
> panel  showed antibodies which indicated I have Hashimoto's.  Another test
> showed 3 nodules.  I take Synthtroid.  It was a rough ride for awhile but
> things have settled down now.
> Hope you do well
> Edith