Mary Ann,
You asked for ideas so here are ours.  We care and ask you to keep us posted.
When my father showed similar behaviors, it was seizure related and it 
took careful recording of observations to alert the docs and get them on that 
seizure trail.  Daddy's electrolytes were also  WAY out of whack which is all 
the docs saw initially.   Daddy was very open about the double vision, 
forgetting, loss of years of memory, nausea, hearing changes, taste in his 
mouth, etc AT THE TIME IT WAS HAPPENING but then forgot those symptoms as soon 
as they were not present.  It took our recording him verbatim to get to the 
root of his problem.
I would wonder about blood sugar and  nutrition in general as seizure meds can 
cause deficiencies, but I do not remember what, but I am sure the docs have 
checked all that.  Is he taking any nutrients and if so what and how much and 
when did he start them?  Is his diet poor and would a bioavailable 
vitamin/mineral be a possibility - only with doctor's approval.  
Were any of his meds changed before the Father's Day episode? Even months 
Does he take his meds on his own or is he in an environment that would help him 
remember to take them correctly and on schedule?  
If he is having this big a memory issue, chances are that he is also messing up 
with his med dosing.
My hubby will revert to old dosage and old schedule when he gets really tired 
and I have to watch that for him.  Is there anyone to help verify that 
your brother is taking his seizure meds timely and correctly? 
 Is alcohol in the mix here?  OTC meds?  Possible drug interaction with other 
meds changed before Father's Day?  Heavy smoking thus lower blood oxygen 
levels?  The blood levels of the medications are a place to start, but if he 
skips and makes up doses and then cannot remember to take doses it would play 
havoc with the brain signals.  
Hubby is asking if brother is depressed, lonely, suffers from apathy or 
anxiety?  Does he sleep well - too little or too much?  With this starting in 
summertime and it still being so hot, does brother drink enough water?  If he 
drinks enough water, does he maybe get drink  too much water ?
We are praying the cause of this memory problem can be identified and treated 
with good results.  In the meantime it sounds like brother needs family or 
caregivers in the picture for his health and safety as well as the safety of 
Has brother has had any high neck injury or problem - like a whiplash?   Have 
you tried chiropractic adjustment - by a GOOD chiropractor?
Just brain storming here - as I would for my own family member.  These are just 
questions that may have already all been explored, but manybe not.  
Blessings to you and brother and Mom, from Leon and Paula

"MaryAnn Helland" <>


My brother is in trouble.  On Father's Day, he wanted to call my Dad and wish 
him a happy day -- my Dad died in 1996.  Recently, he (brother) was on his way 
to a location very near where he lives -- and ended up in a town four towns 
away.  On Tuesday night of this week, he called my Mom and asked her "Mom, is 
my Dad dead?  When did he die?"  So he is having serious memory issues, both 
recent and distant memory is involved.
Of course, he's seeing doctors and being tested, and they don't know what's 
going on with him.  He's been tested for Alzheimers, and they tell him he 
doesn't have it.  The doctors also tell him that this is not seizure-related -- 
my brother is an epileptic, and his seizures are controlled by medication.  
He's had brain scans and MRI's and no abnormalities are found.  They did find a 
small, non-malignant tumor on the brain, behind his left ear, but told him that 
is not life-threatening and is not involved in the memory issues.
So -- does anyone have any ideas about what could be going on with him?  Any 
help will be appreciated.