You are perfectly welcome to substitute whatever you want for "God". Creator, Almighty, all that is, universe, angels, the great spirit, the solar system's nexus or whatever, it does not matter. It is the thought that counts and which carries the energy to heal.


On 10/3/2010 12:52 AM, Neville Munn wrote:
Quote: "Use the power of thought and hands of *God *and place what ever you want to on his incision if it is for his highest good. "I infuse *God's* Divine Love into this situation" end quote.

Well if that don't smack of religion I dunno what does <slapping forehead>...? If he meant Ra the sun god, the sacred cow of India, or Inca, Mayan or Aztec human sacrifice, then he should have made that clear and it probly wouldn't have been so offensive.

Some reserve the right to NOT subscribe to such ideals, and that right should be RESPECTED!

Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 20:50:10 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Dave Darrin< remove from list

Not any particular religion but religion never the less. Get real!

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Sandy < <>> wrote:

    No doubt I'll regret this but just so you know, Dave what Robert
    said was in no way was spiritual. Had he invoked
    the name of a church or some church doctrine oe was trying to
    force his views on you then you could consider that religious. You
    might want to learn the difference.

    Besides, from what I can tell Robert was not addressing his
    comment to you.

    Doesn't Mike also have some sort of rule about being civil?


    --- On Sat, 10/2/10, Dave Darrin <
    <>> wrote:

    Now maybe you understand why Mike says to keep religion off the list.
    By the way "take me off this list" doesn't unsubscribe

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