Paula, why is carbacaine better than lidocaine? I am also having work done
at the end of this month, removing a large, old mercury filling and
replacing with a partial crown and also two smaller mercury fillings to be
replaced.  Thanks, Jess
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Paula Samuels Anthis []
  Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 10:19 PM
  To: Silver-Eskimo Forum
  Subject: CS>Mercury Filling removal - anesthesia

  Just an FYI....IF IF IF there is any overlaying illness such as chronic
fatigue/fibromyalgia/hypothyroidism/MCS/EI present we may not clear the
usual local mouth anesthesia of have a mild reaction we have considered
normal just because it is the way we have always felt after dental work
requiring injection anesthesia.  I am thankful a dentist actually lookd at
my medical history and said "You know I just attended a workshop and they
said that Carbocaine is the anesthesia of choice for folks like you because
it does not clear by the same pathways that lidocaine does and they said
that since the epinepherine can cause you some problems too, I'll use plain
Carbocaine".   WOW the difference in recovery was amazing, none of the jaw
sensations or body flu like symptoms.

  He was also the doc that refused to use a dam in my mouth because " It
would take so much time in my chair and you will do just fine" when he
removed a mercury filling.  I was at the very end of dental insurance and he
was willing to say I needed the fillings replaced, soooooooo.   I had to go
through major detox because he would not use that dam, and probably because
so far as I knew it was the last mercury in my mouth......and I could not
afford a biologic dentist.

  Although I have not had any need for any mouth anesthesia in the last 8
years (Yea!).  I have made my new dentist note that if I need injectable
anesthesia he is to use only Carbocaine for me - - - reply from dental tech
and dentist "No problem, we have it right here" as the tech reached into the
drawer to show it to me.

  Pat, we are hoping things go well for the mercury removal!

  Blessings from Paula