Good for you Jeff. I watched my wonderful grandfather, who I loved dearly die a 
horrible slow painful death of lung cancer and that did it for me.  I took up 
crocheting and knitting to replace the habit and never looked back.

From: Jeff Maahs <>
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 2:58:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>quit smoking

As a non-smoker (5 1/2 years now) I have to say one wont quit until they have a 
real reason to quit. Once you have that reason you wont need anything else. 

I was having some chest pains and decided that seeing my young daughters 
graduate high school was very important to me. I finished my pack, looked into 
the mirror and stated I was a non-smoker and haven't had one since.

I hope your friend finds their one reason and kicks the habit.

My 2 cents,