"Imagine if everyone ate a meal like the rest of third world
countries based on plants instead of animals."

Yes, everyone knows their health is legendary.

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Malcolm wrote:

Hi Marlene,
I hope your holidays were a joy to you as well, and I don't mean to be
contentious, but I must disagree not only with your premis but also with
your choice of sources.

There's no doubt that some people, even populations, are allergic to
milk, and/or wheat, and/or animal protein, and/or various veggies, and
franken-foods like GMO peanuts, etc.

Also I can hardly doubt your own experiences - why should I?
But by a similar token there are others, such as myself who have
directly opposite experience to yours regarding food and allergies.
I'll give one or two examples; I am not allergic to milk nor to milk
products, nor to "dairy", in fact we kept a cow during my childhood and
my only allergy was to having to go get her from wherever she had
wandered during the day, to come home for milking in the evening.  My
brother and I had our cups on a ledge in the barn and my dad would fill them with fresh foamy milk right from the cow; we were enormously proud
of our new foam moustaches!  I have continued to drink milk copiously
throughout my life and I'm now 76.  No prob. with milk.

During the 60's there was a great movement toward vegetarianism, soy,
brown rice, tofu; turns out I am allergic to soy and soy products, and I
don't mean just a little!  I don't mind their taste at all, but as
idealism swept over our dietary habits in my - err, youth - and us
rebellious idealists expressed our desire for a better world through our
actions, I had enough soy dumped on my plate so that even through the
blur of "right thinking" it became real clear that soy was not good for
me.  It was Bad for me.

I have been approximately omnivorous throughout my life, with a strong
bias toward carnivory; partly you might argue I'd been brainwashed by my
society, after all "Beef; it's what's for dinner".  But my dietary
preference was shaped in the relative absence of TV - it was shaped by
what tasted good and what was available during the year, living in
California; i.e., just about everything.

I'd like to introduce another idea into this discussion, first time I
ran into it was reading a book - Eat Right For Your Type - by Dr. Peter
Adamso.  The idea is that what your body does well with in the way of
food, depends - or is shown by - your blood type. For instance; if you were from northern (cold) hunter-gatherer stock you'd be well adapted to
meat and milk since live animals were the primary storage device; if
from a sub-tropical temperate plains environment such as vast areas of
China, you'd be partial to cultivated and field crops, and so on.  He
presents lots of good evidence to back up the history of blood types and diet and also the presence and absence of allergies to this-n-that, all
based on blood types.

So, if your examples are drawn from studies in China what could be more
obvious than that they would show allergic reaction to heavy meat
consumption?  The vast majority of that population has historically
subsisted quite well on vegetation; That's "what's for dinner" there -
or was, until globalization. Globalization began with the migrations -
driven by past climate alterations - of formerly isolated populations,
perhaps ten or twenty or fifty thousand years ago.  And Dr. Adamso
points out that these migrations, which are mapped by DNA tracing as
well as other anthropological evidence also show the development of the
various blood-types and intermixes that have occured.

So, take it from there,

On Mon, 2010-12-27 at 08:14 -0800, Marlene Hanson wrote:
Information as a gift for Christmas to you all.  Milk and all milk
products (cheese) and eggs are a major issue in triggering the immune
system. Wheat or gluten is also a major trigger. I found that Beef,
Pork, Turkey and Chicken all are triggers for me. I found that some
small amount of fish I can tolerate. The studies starting back in the
late 1800 are saying that all animal protein is harmful in the amounts
we eat here in the US. I am not completely free of animal protein at
this time because I am keeping my system from having a herximer
response by gradual changes. Some of the problems caused by the amount
of protein we consume are MS, heart trouble, arthritis,
alcymers,  Cancer, Diabetes. Although the information has been
available and proven the Food industry, Government, MDA, FDA, and Drug
companies have fought having it utilized. The information has been
published and studied at many research Universities such as Cambridge
and Oxford and YALE. I heard part of a speech by then nominee Barrack
Obama saying it would ruin the economy if he changed some health
practices. Imagine if everyone ate a meal like the rest of third world
countries based on plants instead of animals. Animal  protein in the
amounts we eat is the cause of most if not all diseases. This
information would also turn the stock market upside down and ruin
countless farmers. So with all things the changes for most US and
European people will come slowly if at all. Hope and pray you had a great Christmas and your family has better health soon. MLE ----- Original Message ----- From: Carol Ann To: silver-list@eskimo.com Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 8:04 AM
        Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Thanks...
Mike - how profound a sentiment. You wrote You wish "The
        gift of wellness and healing to all".   Now.  If only that
        were something that could actually be given and received in
        lieu of XBoxes, slippers, ties and Flat panel TV,s
                 My goodness, to think of how such thoughts / real
        possibilities would send shivers to the core of
        corporate retail stores. :)
                 Heres wishing everyone..health, happiness, peace and
prosperity for the NEW YEAR! Cheers. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how
        you think..
--- On Fri, 12/24/10, M. G. Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote: From: M. G. Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
                Subject: CS>[List Owner] Thanks...
                To: silver-list@eskimo.com
                Date: Friday, December 24, 2010, 10:09 AM
The tree is trimmed, the last present arrived with the smiling UPS guy, and strains of Mannheim Steamroller are wafting through the house with the smell of baking... <grin> Thank you for being in my life this past year, and past decade in the case of some of you! <LOL> Above all, I wish the gift of healing and wellness to
                                Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
                [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
                [Speaking only for myself...               ]
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