Who is the "He" at the beginning of your message?  I would like to see
documentation on the blood work.

I concur with Mike.  And, the Brigham Young study did not find any bacteria
that were not immobilized, good guys included.

If you drink enough to get it far enough down the tube without any solids,
it will kill all the flora, causing diarrhea.


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I think internally CS will not distinguish Good Bacteria from Bad, that is
> why I take a probiotic when I am using CS as a swish rinse in my mouth and
> swallowing, for many days at a time.
> Kefir is cheap, and has tons of good bacteria.  Take 30 min. after the CS.
> It will bring you to a balance.
> Tel Tofflemire
> Dewey, AZ.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Nenah Sylver <nenahsyl...@cox.net>
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Sent:* Thu, December 30, 2010 5:24:02 AM
> *Subject:* CS>need info on silver NOT killing beneficial bacteria
>  I’m guessing people might be busy with the holidays right now, but I need
> some information quickly. Do any of you good folks have access to studies
> showing that colloidal silver does NOT kill beneficial bacteria?
> There have been posts on this list that silver DOES kill beneficial
> bacteria—because it does not distinguish between one-celled friends and
> one-celled foes—but a health practitioner friend of mine says differently.
> He writes:
> [beginning of quote] The subject about colloidal silver killing beneficial
> gut flora is an ongoing debate, between the people or groups who oppose to
> CS and to those who support it. All I can do is state the facts.
> 1) Anaerobic bacteria and nitrogen consuming bacteria that are pathological
> have THIN cell membranes, this is a known fact.
> 2) Beneficial bacteria which are aerobic i.e. oxygen breathing in nature
> have THICK cell membranes, which also is a known fact.
>  3) just like Royal Rife mentioned each bacteria and virus has a frequency
> at which their cell membranes can rupture, the pathological bacteria carry a
> different frequency range than the beneficial bacteria. Silver emits a
> frequency band that destroys the pathological bacteria but not the
> beneficial ones.
> According to many researches, colloidal silver does not destroy beneficial
> bacteria, due to the thick cell membranes that do not rupture, where as the
> cell membranes of pathological bacteria does rupture.
> Also it has been reported in studies that the beneficial micro flora
> INCREASES when consuming colloidal silver. I have personally done blood
> sample tests on myself, family members, friends and voluntary patients with
> respect to colloidal silver. Each person involved in the study, had a blood
> sample taken before consuming CS then another blood sample taken 1 week
> later where all subjects had consumed CS as instructed within that week
> between the two blood tests, i.e. 10ml, 3 times a day. Once the results came
> back from each test subject including myself, in EVERY case red blood cell
> count increased, hemoglobin count increased, white blood cell count
> increased and the platelet count also increased, i.e. indicating increased
> immunity and oxygen levels. [end of quote]
> If someone could take some time to comment on this—and especially to find
> some research papers that either substantiate or support these claims—I
> would be very grateful.
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> electromedicine specialist and author
> The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009)
> & The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)
> www.nenahsylver.com