You seem to be recommending a product, so why are you asking, or is this a way of promoting this product? I'm confused.

Home-made Kefir has 57 strains of friendly bacteria. It's easy to make and very cheap, and can be taken throughout the day. Has made a tremendous difference for me, and for my husband who just had to take a course of abx for a dental issue.

Be well,
On Mar 12, 2011, at 4:30 PM, S&JY wrote:

Anyone have experience and recommendations for probiotics? Specifically, brands that have at least 10 strains of friendly bacteria with a strength of at least 10 billion bacteria, and time released so they make it to the intestines without being destroyed in the stomach. Decent shelf life (stabilized) also. For example OurHealthCo-op Probiotics 16.

Steve Y.