
Essential Microoranisms = EM. 

On 2011/09/17, at 15:02, Bob Banever wrote:

> Jonathan,
>     Forgive me, but what is EM.   Thanks.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 
> <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 8:23 PM
> Subject: CS>Bioremediation at Fukushima
> Some members, particularly Brooks Bradley, are familiar with the Essential 
> Microorganisms  (EM) of Terao Higa, PhD.  The proprietor of a local EM shop 
> told me today that volunteers in Fukushima area are experimenting with EM on 
> contaminated crops.  He said blueberries went from 20,000 becquerels down to 
> 5,000, a 75% drop.  I don't know the details.
> He also said people volunteering in that area are suffering from throat 
> problems, which I took to be due to radiation, but am not sure.  If I get 
> more details I'll pass them along.    Incidentally, these volunteers consume 
> EM themselves.
> Incidentally, most of the news in the corporate press regarding this disaster 
> is, to put it mildly, inadequate.  There have been at least three melt-downs 
> and apparently a total melt-through in at least in one instance; some experts 
> fear that radiation is actually moving down through the earth toward 
> groundwater.   Given the sugar-coating in the "mainstream" news to date, this 
> is certainly possible.   Japanese people are deeply skeptical of government 
> reports, and I think some major changes are ahead for Japan, but that's all 
> off-topic.
> --
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