website not working.....maybe sold or incorrect

From: "PTFerrance" <>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 2:28 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>Beck zapper

Another website, has a set of the zapper frequencies in the free software you can download. Just hook up an amp and some wires and electrodes (sponges, handhelds or otherwise) and you are good to go.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nave []
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Beck zapper

I just made one using a 555 timer chip as a square wave oscillator
operating at about 30KHz.  This is the same as her old schematic for a
zapper.  I think there is a 1 K ohm resistor in series with each

I guess that is as clear as mud...

Nowadays the zapper they sell is much more sophisticated but I don't
know if it is any better or not.  But much more expensive as it is a
really fancy electronic device.


On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Joyce Miller <> wrote:
Where did you get your zapper? I use Dr. Clark's liver and gall
bladder cleanse, and it always says to zap for a week before doing so.
I had no idea where to get a zapper or what it entailed to use it, so
since my health adviser said I could go ahead and use the cleanse, I
did, and it worked very well. But it has to be done every couple of
months at first and then less and less frequently.

So please tell us more about zappers . . .



On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Dan Nave <> wrote:
I have used a Hulda Clark type zapper on myself (and others) for
shingles.  The more longstanding the shingles episode was before
zapping, the longer it took to clear it, but it did clear up fresh
outbreaks quickly and resolved a longstanding episode (many months
long) within a few weeks.  My son had an episode of infectious
mononucleosis which was diagnosed medically, then I rushed a zapper to
him.  He used it for 1 course of zapping per Hulda Clark's protocol
and then vomited so he didn't do any more zapping.  For all practical
purposes, the next day he was over it and didn't have any relapse or
need any period of extended rest, or anything like that.  So, it
definitely works on some things.  I would not hesitate to use it on
someone with boils, but I might also use some other protocols as well,
such as colloidal silver orally, and transdermally as a pack mixed
with some DMSO.


On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Asif Nathekar <> wrote:
I have built one from dr becks reference design that swings from positive 27v to negative 27v square wave at around 4 hz, although one may use up to
100 HZ to reduce some of the undesirable effects

I have seen other designs like hulda clarks which pulses a 0v to positive
9-18v in a square wave at around 20-25khz, I have one of these too but
neglected to use it.

I can see from the discussions and stated science, how the beck zapper
"could" work but require something more than sales brochure to actually
beleive that it could work.

Basically I require human verification that it works, and how they used it,
so that i could use it the same way. I have bought sticky adhesive gel
electrode pads for a TENS machine as electrodes..

any testimonies...???

thanks again.

From: "Brooks Bradley" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 11:02 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Beck zapper

           The Beck zapper is a very useful device (at least it has
been in our researches), however,
there present......several other---more recent designs;  more
powerful in effect than is the original
device developed by Robert.  A brief survey of the Internet using
"zapper"  as the key word, will illicit
a number of valid references.  If you are unsuccessful email me
personally and I will attempt to offer
some useful guidance in your search.
                  Brooks Bradley.   Harborne Research Foundation.

On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 4:53 PM, asif nathekar <>

Hi group,

Has anyone got any anecdotes for the beck zapper to share

As I want to use one on my mate with the boils  if it's potentially


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