If it were me I would be guzzling 8-16 ounces {glass or two} a day for two or 
three days, even longer praps if I thought it was necessary.  One glass in the 
morning, and the other in late afternoon.
Not advice, just what I would do <g>.

From: babychicks...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 6 May 2012 05:27:45 -0500
Subject: CS>bacteria

The Dr. found a bacteria 'helicobacter pylari' in 
my stomach,  Right now I'm on anti-botic, but I was wondering if anyone has 
had any experience with this bacteria.  And how CS would work on it?  
I take a maintance of CS, but it did not keep me from getting the 
bacteria.    Thanks for your info