
You are very certain you know a full extent of knowledge about many things, including water and spirituality. I wonder if you see how ludicrous that looks to people on the other side of your cranium? Did you ever read the infinitesimal dose? There should be enough science in there to keep you occupied for some time. Yet its probably not the full truth, or even the important functional truth of homeopathy. Im sure you know of the quantum phenomena of entanglement. In our current era, when entangled subatomic particles could be separated by any distance at all yet be so connected as to change spin instantaneously, where time is seen to be a completely flexible part of nature, coming to a "standstill" at the not too distant ends of light velocity and black hole gravity.....where many more dimensions are mathematically teased out, but that we will never be able to grasp, being hopelessly stuck in the four dimensioned space time....at this perspective when we have seen our egocentric Truths being lost to new understanding time and time again, it seems that even a diehard codger would have a little more humility about his knowledge....his limits. After all, your poor brain is only the size of a cabbage and if my brain is any example, about as hard and functional as a block of wood. Our brains are after all no better than the ones that were afraid to sail too far for fear of falling over the edge, or believed that nature and the stars were ruled by the whimsy of gods.

Just what DO you know about water anyway? Youve read up on macro molecules which are continually in flux yet metastable? Aware of the energetic underpinnings of the electromagnetic world itself...the so called aethers...ambipolar primordial aspects as teased apart by the Correas? Here I would suggest you google that name and spend some time expanding, or at least arguing your way with some rigorous thinkers. You know all about water, practically the very essence of life....but what is curious is that you completely separate the spiritual and the material. Does that make any sense to you when you pause to think about it? Just what spiritual world are you referring to? Certainly not the causitive...so called causal, or more manifest astral or any of the other planes of which there is precious little, and I dare say non existent proof in your case (including myself in your camp). Those exalted levels to which you yourself, in your physically manifest glory believe you may have access. Would you have a laugh if a certain amount of "seeding" or "doping" was all that is required for water to work its information storing magic...or that some interaction with the walls of the vessel, or the water/oil or air interface was part of the action? Or that there were temperature windows or that possibly the effect could be grounded or neutralized by some overlooked conductor, maybe not even metallic? Or even that the material world including water was interconnected by "manna threads" of which you know about as much as the rest of the "spiritual world" Im not saying they are, only asking if you would laugh to find it so.

If you were Newton but with your personality, I dont doubt you would bet your very life on the faith of the completeness of your knowledge. But even that great thinker, what to say of Einstein, was only partly right, and I wonder how you compare the vigor and genius of your mental capacity to theirs. It doesnt matter that you find a lack of appealing or substantiated answers or that your overview looks the most complete--to your sensibilities. Someone with more understanding would in turn easily uncover the limits of your knowledge and then you would have to stand exposed in front of the class all over again, struggling with new concepts, math and higher level instruments.

Its a conspicuous attribute of human nature that as soon as he knows a little, he becomes blinded to further truth. His mind becomes like an ass who is certain it knows all there is to know about the barn, and this has been a great hinderance to our development as a civilization. Doctors were, not so long ago, SO certain in their knowledge that they continued to perform surgery without first washing their hands, even in the face of studies that showed transferability of disease. Man often looks so foolish and stupid that its a wonder he can perform common trivial tasks. It appears that you place yourself pretty highly on the continuum, but others are not at all convinced.

Thanks for your contributions though, and appologies for my over-long post.


On 5/14/2012 9:59 PM, Mike Monett wrote:
   Marshall<mdud...@king-cart.com>  wrote:

   >  So you  don't  believe there is anything to  such  things  as holy
   >  water?

   >  If water  can  form  crystal structures, and  there  is  plenty of
   >  evidence it  can  homeopathic water being only one  of  them, then
   >  almost certainly  the  absorption spectrum will  change  with that
   >  structure.



   Give up Marshall.

   The spiritual  world  and  the  physical  plane  are  two completely
   different entities.

   There is no way you can change the absorption spectrum  of distilled
   water without adding ions, atoms or molecules.

   Any suggestion that you can is fraudulent

   Mike Monett

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