On 15 May 2012 at 23:23, M.G. Devour wrote about :
Subject : RE: CS>Silver & PH

> Mike M. wrote:
> >   This means  cs  will demonstrate all the limitations  of  the immune
> >   system. For example, it cannot go inside cells to get at pathogens.
> Jim B. wrote:
> > Interesting. I thought silver water killed everything but if it cannot
> > get inside the cells I guess you can only take it to keep stuff from
> > spreading - if you already have an infection of some kind. I take it
> > often but as my PH has dropped I wondered if there was any effect. 
> Does anyone other than Mike M. support that hypothesis? It's not clear
> that anyone has complete knowledge of silver's mechanism(s) of effect.

Mike D and Jim, 
What i have read consistently and it makes sense is that CS/EIS has trouble 
getting through 
fat/oil and through mucus /slime. So, yes, some organisms will be protected to 
some extent. 
But our body itself has ways and means of getting though, in the form of own 
solvents and 
salt solutions and biological processes; so its not categorical, just maybe 
take some time. . 

What I do for sinuses for instance; make a weak salt or salt and bicarb 
solution using cs as 
the water. It is sort of counter logic but seems to work better than just the 
salt or salt/bicarb 
solution in plain water. Snorting straight CS will probably be uncomfortable; 
the salt buffers or 
supplies electrolytes which makes it comfortable. To be categorical about the 
of this would required a batch of double blind tests   
> > I guess I have some other
> > problem and will continue my Arm and Hammer baking soda dosing of 12
> > teaspoon 2x/day.
> Jim, I just went through a similar protocol. Are you mixing the bicarb
> with any form of sweetener, or taking it straight?

I'm only at about 1/2 teaspoon bicarb once or twice per day. Mixed in warm 
Occasionally.  Why such high doses? 
An excellent alkalyser , better than plain baking soda, that you can make at 
home is Dr 
Dr Shallenbergers Alkalysing Formula:
1 part sodium citrate, 2 parts potassium bicarbonate and 7 parts sodium 
Each by weigh and just mix the powders together and store in a dry container. 
1 teaspoon in water twice a day should do it. Take it until well.

Tony Moody

> >From my experience with up to 7.5 tsp per dose, that's an incredible
> amount to take at one sitting. 
> I found that how I prepared the dose played a role in how much effect it
> had on my pH levels.
> Are you getting your pH to move the right way?
> Peace,
> Mike D.