I think I got my tests mixed up...anyway one of those tests looked a
lot better - to the tune of 40 points.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:00 AM, David AuBuchon
<aubuchon.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I means "uric acid" reduced by 40 points
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM, David AuBuchon
> <aubuchon.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Actually, the study showed reduced urine pH, indicating more efficient
>> elimination of acidic waste products, thereby alkalizing the body.
>> One approach to alkalizing is to accelerate the rate of ingestion of
>> alkaline material such a bicarbonate.  A second approach is to
>> accelerate the rate of elimination of acids.  That is what magnetized
>> water does.
>> The company you linked to that sells the magnetizer products I am sure
>> is affiliated with Peter Kulish who happens to have also been involved
>> in the study I am referring to:
>> http://greenmagnetfoundation.org/magnetized_water_on_kidney_function
>> There is a Dr. Lam who claims that magnetized water eventually almost
>> normalizes high uric acid in people with kidney failure.  I recently
>> advised someone with kidney failure to start it, and their next blood
>> test did show urea reduced by like 40 points.  It could have been
>> responsible, though he was doing other things too.
>> An interesting thing about accelerating the elimination of acids is
>> that there is no way you can possibly overdo it.  Your body knows what
>> needs to get eliminated.  But with ingesting alkaline material, there
>> is theoretically a way to overdo it.
>> David
>> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Evan Jones <evanj.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 5/17/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com <silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com>
>>> David AuBuchon <aubuchon.da...@gmail.com> queried:
>>>> Does regular electrolysis break up water clusters, thus possibly making a 
>>>> confounding variable with Colloidal Silver (CS)?  Meaning the declustered 
>>>> water could improve detox, making it responsible for part of the health 
>>>> improvements in some people?
>>> Good question.
>>>> There is a study showing greatly reduced pH of people drinking magnetized
>>>  water as compared to regular water, indicating more acidic wastes being
>>>  removed.
>>> .. sounds like an interesting study .. I think you meant to say an
>>> *increased* pH (e.g. from 7 to 8)?
>>>>Magnetized water presumably works also by breaking up clusters.
>>> Yes, this appears to be the case; there are companies that sell water
>>> magnetizers for HVAC cooling towers, that allows the tower cooling
>>> water to operate at higher than normal levels of dissolved solids,
>>> without the risk of scale depositing on the heat transfer surfaces.
>>> "Typically after magnetizer units are installed, the scale within the
>>> system will start to rehydrate, as this occurs, conductivity /tds and
>>> ph will start to rise ( in boilers, efficiency should also go up
>>> slightly). If the system is not blown down or flushed out, the water
>>> will soon become very mineral rich soup or mud. This can not only burn
>>> out pumps, but also start to re-scale. However, if the system is
>>> monitored properly and the conductivity is held in the proper ranges,
>>> the system will reach maximum efficiency . When the system is finally
>>> cleaned out, the blow down procedures can actually be reduced, thereby
>>> saving water and energy."
>>> Jon Barron once ran some experiments on magnetizing water. See Magnets
>>> and the Bioavailability of Water.
>>> http://www.jonbarron.org/natural-health/water-bioavailability-magnets
>>> Mike Monet's last post pointed out that the concentrations of CS in
>>> the body are so dilute that some other factor must be at play.
>>> Dr Majid Ali is fond of administering tiny quantities of dilute
>>> hydrogen peroxide to patients, using IV drips. He claims to have
>>> treated 3,000 patients. He offers a complex explanation of how H2O2
>>> may work in the Oct, 2004 issue of Townsend Letter for Doctors and
>>> Patients: "Hydrogen peroxide therapies: recent insights into oxystatic
>>> and antimicrobial actions"
>>> http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_255/ai_n7637380/
>>> I came to H2O2 via a highly successful experience treating a bout of
>>> acute bronchitis using mega doses of IV Vitamin C. But sadly, here in
>>> SE Asia, the lobbying powers of Big Farma have made it almost
>>> impossible to get the liquid infusable sodium ascorbate or to find a
>>> practitioner to willing administer the drip.
>>> So, to keep bronchitis at bay, I now nebulize H2O2 (in tiny amounts),
>>> (in lieu of IV vitamin C). Nebulizing is easy to do at home. It
>>> appears to work, as I haven't had a lung infection since taking up
>>> regular sessions of nebulized  H2O2 nearly a year ago.
>>> Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide seem to have similar mechanisms of
>>> oxidative therapeutic action. Is it possible that CS works by similar
>>> means?
>>> David AuBuchon postulated that:
>>>> So improvements with CS therapy could possibly be in part due to detox and
>>>  not infection killing?
>>> Infection killing is the easier mental model for me to understand.
>>> i.e. We all carry an unwanted microbial load of hidden chronic
>>> infections, By reducing the infectious load, we free up our immune
>>> system to prioritize other health issues.
>>> Have a look at the ideas of Russel Farris, who owns a list called
>>> infection-corti...@yahoogroups.com and a brief and highly readable
>>> website www.polymicrobial.com (have a look, you can get through
>>> Russell's innovative ideas on "polymicrobial disease teams" in a half
>>> hour, start at the Introduction).
>>> But Andre Beauchamp would have have argued that all these unwanted
>>> infections arose because something about our bodily terrain allowed
>>> them to flourish in the first place, which brings us back to a detox
>>> issue - the strategy of reducing unwanted bodily acid wastes by
>>> raising bodily pH.
>>> After hitting the Send button on this post, I should google around for
>>> info on the links between "body pH and magnetized water."
>>> Thanks for all the good ideas
>>> Evan
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