Hi All,
I have bough colloidal silver on occasion   I am interested in learning about 
all the benefits of using it.  I hope to one day make my own but for now, can 
anyone recommend a good sourse to purchase it?  I do use it internal and 
external.  Actually, my dog uses it more than I do.  I would love to hear about 
results of using it on pets.  My dog is elderly (13) and has had arthritis 
since he was 2.  He's a big guy at 85 lbs.  He may be having some neurologic 
issues now and has lost muscle mass and gotten weaker in the back end.  I use a 
boatload of supplements on him and he is treated holistically except for a 
couple of minor pain relievers that I may need to bump up to something 
stronger/anti-inflammatory.  For me, I'm pretty healthy except for gaining 30 
lbs when I quit smoking last fall.  I can't seem to shake the weight.  I'm 46.  
I had chicken pox as a baby and keep thinking I need to do some research and 
prepare myself in case I get
 shingles.  I use a lot of therapeutic grade essential oils too.  I love them.  
I also use DE and calcium bentonite clay, some homeopathics.  Any help you can 
provide this newbie would be greatly appreciated.